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/ Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1 / Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso / mac / WINDOWS / MISCUTIL / WLIT21 / WINFILE.INI < prev    next >
INI File  |  1992-07-27  |  265b  |  11 lines

  1. [Settings]
  2. Window=213,0,213,136, , ,3
  3. dir2=0,0,632,205,-1,-1,1,30,202,1905,250,C:\WINLITE\*.*
  4. dir1=0,205,632,410,-1,-1,1,30,202,1905,250,C:\WINLITE\SYSTEM\*.*
  5. Save Settings=0
  6. ConfirmDelete=0
  7. ConfirmSubDel=1
  8. ConfirmReplace=1
  9. ConfirmMouse=1
  10. ConfirmFormat=1